Adobe License Options

With changes in how and where students are accessing technology, plus license changes from Adobe, now is a great time to review your licensing options.

What’s changed?
The vast majority of educational institutions have always licensed on a ‘device’ basis for two reasons; a device license was cheaper than a user license, and you have more users than devices – so in effect, this decision would be price related.

However, with the need for students to access the software off-site, many have been forced to either migrate to a user model or take user licenses in addition to your device licenses. Adobe have now made access to named user licenses far more cost effective, which at times is resulting in customers reducing their overall cost and gaining additional flexibility – win win!

New pricing and products
Adobe have introduced new “Student License Packs” for HE with a much lower unit cost, making them more cost effective then a device license. If you also have FE learners, Adobe have clarified eligibility whereby these students can now access Adobe’s schools pricing at a fraction of the cost of a standard education license.

Another bonus is with Adobe’s acquisition of Allegorithmic, so HE users now also benefit from having Substance Designer included in Creative Cloud at no extra cost!

Blanket vs targeted licensing
Some customers have benefitted from site license agreements via JISC to obtain the most cost-effective device license option. This was great to have a single annual order and the ability to install the software onto all on premise devices. However, with the need to also license users, and the reality of under/non utilised on-premise devices, a more targeted licensing approach may be best suited.

By licensing users who need the software for their course, this ensures they can continue to produce content anywhere, at any time. This empowers students and is likely to result in an improved user experience, better utilisation and understanding of the Adobe products – which you would expect to have a positive impact on their grades and projects. Many also utilise user licenses to help attract prospect students.

Want to find out more?
Get in touch with us today to book a licensing consultation with one of our in-house experts, to understand all the options specific to your institution and identify how to gain flexibility and identify potential cost savings.

Let us know how we can help you understand Adobe licensing

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